Webinar #2

November 21th 2020 / 21 Novembre 2020

Early childhood educators sketching narratives of change: Gestures and situated responses to the potential of a pan-Canadian ECEC system.

Esquisses de rĂ©cits de transformation du personnel Ă©ducateur : gestes et rĂ©ponses au potentiel d’un systĂšme pancanadien d’accueil Ă  la petite enfance. 

At the conclusion of this webinar, the educators taking part in this exchange presented either a photo-collage that they created or one that was posted on the website that inspired them. You can view all image submissions below. The invitation to Canadian educators continues, please feel free to submit your photo collages or other forms of expression that could be included. This montage of images gives a voice to early childhood educators across the country to answer the question: What does being an early childhood educator mean to you during this time?

En conclusion de ce webinaire, les Ă©ducateur(trice)s prenant part Ă  cet Ă©change ont prĂ©sentĂ© soit un photo-collage qu’ils ont crĂ©Ă© ou un qui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©posĂ© sur le site internet qui les a inspirĂ©s. Vous pouvez-voir toutes les soumissions d’images ci-dessous. L’invitation aux Ă©ducateur(trice)s canadien(ne)s se poursuit, n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  soumettre vos photos-collages ou autres formes d’expressions qui pourraient y ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ©s. Ce montage d’images donne voix au personnel Ă©ducateur de la petite enfance Ă  travers le pays pour rĂ©pondre Ă  la question : Que signifie, pour vous, ĂȘtre Ă©ducateur(trice) Ă  la petite enfance en cette pĂ©riode?

If you activate the CC option at the bottom of the YouTube window, you’ll see :
French translation for conversationalists and moderators speaking in english. 
English translation for conversationalist and moderator speaking french. 

Si vous activez l’options CC au bas de la fenĂȘtre YouTube bas, vous verrez :
Traduction française pour participante et modératrices parlant anglais.
Traduction en anglais pour participant(e)s et modératrices parlant français.

Here is the link of the video “The task of the mask“, mentioned by Mallory.
Pour voir la vidĂ©o “The task of the mask“, dĂ©crit par Mallory.

Some other wonderful contributions:

A Collage ECE

A Creative Representation

As an ECE student in this moment






We look forward to having you Fatma. Your participation and contribution will make this conversation ever more relevant. Thank you!

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