Sketching ECE Narratives

Sketching narratives of movement towards comprehensive and competent early childhood educational systems across Canada

We are pleased to share this special issue.

Sketching Narratives of Movement in Early Childhood Education and Care

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer la publication d’un numĂ©ro thĂ©matique pour lequel le comitĂ© d’Ă©ditrices invitĂ©es est composĂ© de membre de notre Ă©quipe.

Emily Ashton, University of Regina
Iris Berger, University of British Columbia
Esther Maeers, University of Regina
Alexandra Paquette, Université du Québec à Montréal

“I think we can think about all of these different facets of early childhood education and care from the perspective of parents, from children, from the workforce, for the economy, for gender equality, for health…we’re hopeful that it will be that kind of comprehensive leadership, pulling together these different threads to help us move forward.”

“Je pense que nous pouvons réfléchir à toutes ces différentes facettes de l’éducation et de l’accueil des jeunes enfants du point de vue des parents, des enfants, de la main-d’œuvre, de l’économie, de l’égalité des sexes, de la santé… Nous espérons que ce sera ce type de leadership global, rassemblera ces différents fils pour nous aider à aller de l’avant.” 

Monica Lysack

ECE Narratives

Our project gathered a variety of voices and stories, we invite you to join in on our collective reflection.

Policy Narratives

Our first webinar, held on June 10th, 2020, entitled: Moving forward with uncertainty: the pandemic as dĂ©clencheur* for a competent ECEC system across Canada/ Aller de l’avant dans l’incertitude : la pandĂ©mie comme catalyseur* de transformation d’un système plus adaptĂ© d’Ă©ducation Ă  la petite enfance Ă  travers le Canada brought together policy experts for a…

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Educator Narratives

Our second webinar, held on November 6th, 2020, entitled: Early childhood educators sketching narratives of change: Gestures and situated responses to the potential of a pan-Canadian ECEC system/Esquisses de rĂ©cits de transformation du personnel Ă©ducateur : gestes et rĂ©ponses au potentiel d’un système pancanadien d’accueil Ă  la petite enfance brought together educators from across Canada…

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Entangled Narratives

Our intent, within this CSSE conference symposium entitled: Towards comprehensive and competent early childhood educational systems across Canada: Entangled stories, was to illuminate fragmentation and apparently incommensurable visions while narrating less visible, alternative possibilities generated and lived in diverse communities and places.

Read more Entangled Narratives

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